View Full Version : Jokes

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  1. Joke of the day
  2. Doctor Doctor
  3. Small Jokes dump
  4. Cleaning the Attic
  5. English is Interesting
  6. Rural America's message to Obama
  7. How to wash a cat
  8. Doggie love
  9. No Deposit, No Return
  10. Funeral
  11. Sex On Mars
  12. Lil Johnny
  13. You know the Honneymoon is over when........
  14. Oy vey
  15. No spikka da English
  16. HD facing stiff competition
  17. Zen Teachings
  18. Another True Story !!!Nursing home
  19. The Jew, Frenchman and Italian
  20. Washing Dishes with Coldwater: A MUST READ!